Detail Proyek

Cyber Physical System

Project By : Ezekiel Marvin

Deskripsi Project :

The agriculture sector is one of Indonesia's key sectors with 30% of its land dedicated toward agriculture production. However, the conventional cultivation method that is still practiced among Indonesian farmers causes inconsistency. These can be easily rectified through the employment of IoT technology for monitoring purposes.

Hence the Cyber Physical System is an integrative IoT solution that incorporates micro-computer and sensor technology that are interconnected and coordinated in an interactive way that allows the environmental condition to be controlled accordingly to the object being monitored.

In the end the system has been applied for approximately 6 months in a cocoa bean storage warehouse situated in West Jakarta, and manage to reduces production loss by 10%.

Screenshot System Link:


Lowongan Tidak Tersedia

: Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
